Monday, July 03, 2006

Whai town as seen from Harisons Folly..


Anonymous said...

I am at a loss of words to place adjectives in these pic blogs of yours.they are simply superb (tats the least). so dont think tat i dont appreciate your works...i simply cant go on saying excellent,nice or wow. They r the best! this goes for sachin's efforts too...

Unknown said...

hey, thanx... but for all our efforts, i dont think we do any justice to the beauty of these places.. at times we just sit back and stop clicking pics, when we know we just wont be able to capture the true essense of the place... its amazing how beautiful our country is...

Anonymous said...

the place does seem spectacular......almost seems like when you land near mangalore

Unknown said...

actually the topography is quiet different from mangalore, its surrounded by mountains which are 2500feet+, and are totally bare of trees, gives it a spectular, but different feel.